Thursday, July 12, 2007

Mealtime, Revisited

OK, I take it back. Although Bry's first meal was deemed an astounding success, his subsequent meals have been less than stellar. (Perhaps this is because I had nothing to compare the first meal to, so anything would have seemed successful.) Since his first bites of rice cereal a week ago, Bry has most emphatically decided that he is not into the soupy concoction. I'm not entirely sure I blame him if his choice is solely gustatory in nature. Watery rice gruel, anyone? (We also made a brief and not successful foray into the world of baby oatmeal - which looks suspiciously like rice cereal.) However, he also seems quite averse to the whole experience of the high chair and using a spoon for anything other than a teething toy. He gets quite angry if say, you try to take the spoon from him (the cruelty!), dip it in the cereal (how could you!), and shove it back in his mouth (oh, the betrayal!). Feeding times have shrunk to about 4 minutes, after which time Bry goes postal (baby-style, which generally means screaming).

We're not sure if we should try vegetables or fruits, feed him somewhere other than the high chair, just give up for a week and try again later, or look into long-term breastfeeding. (OK, not really.)

We know that sooner or later, Bry will get the hang of the whole eating thing. Perhaps Steve is right and he's really just holding out for a cheeseburger. Mmmm, cheeseburger...

1 comment:

Missy said...

I can't say I blame him on the rice cereal thing either--Sam's favorite baby food was sweet potatoes. Paul loved squash.

My favorite trick though is to use two spoons--one for him to hold, and one for you to hold. This works well most of the time, except when they decide to have a spoon sword fight with you!