Tuesday, December 23, 2008

A Brief Funny to Break Up All the Doom and Gloom

Bry's gotten into the habit of calling out for daddy to bring him water once he and I are settled into the rocking chair just before bedtime. Five minutes into the bedtime routine, he's calling out, "Da-ddy! Water, please!" You'd think we'd start getting proactive about this, and bring a cup of water into his room before we start winding down. But Steve likes when Bry calls out to him, and really, it's just become another part of the routine.

Last night, after several rounds of "Da-ddy! Water, please!" with mama chiming in, daddy did not come bounding into Bry's bedroom like he usually does. So Bry turned it up a notch, calling out, "St-eve! Water, please!" Something about addressing his father in a singsongy voice as "Steve" put me over the edge, and I giggled for about the next five minutes. So much for a quiet bedtime.

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