Wednesday, March 25, 2009

More on the Inner Workings of a Two-Year-Old Mind

Yesterday when picking up Bry at school, his teachers stopped me, saying they had to share two amusing things that Bry had said. First, he apparently announced, apropos of nothing, "Bry's mom goes really fast!" Sure I do. And second, in response to a book about frustrated children who can't complete any of the tasks that they'd like to (it's not as dreary as it sounds), Bry asserted, "Bry can do everything!" and then started counting as high as he could. His self-esteem is apparently still very much intact.

And then this evening, our conversation in relation to a picture of people on horseback in the book Our Animal Friends at Maple Farm:

Bry: What are those people doing?

Mama: They're riding the horses. People do that sometimes.

Bry: Why?

Mama: Um, because horses can run really fast and some people find it fun to ride them. See those ropes? They're called reins; people use them to steer the horses, to tell them which way to go.

Bry: Because horses don't have steering wheels!

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