Weight: 19 pounds even (this took a while to determine, since Bry kept trying to lean out of the scale in the same way that he tries to lean out of his car seat whenever we're cruelly trying to strap him in). This is in the 75th percentile according to the ped.
Length: 27.75 inches (90th percentile)
Hair: Awesome.
Smiles: Many and indiscriminate (Bry has been cataloged smiling at mama and daddy, the cat, pretty much every stranger he encounters, his spider toy, the refrigerator, his reflection in the mirror, etc.)
Grumpiness: On the rise as he realizes that there is a great big world out there that he'd like to explore but just can't maneuver his stubborn body to. However, this doesn't stop him from lunging towards anything of interest. And maybe clocking his face on the floor every now and then. The grumpiness is offset though by the...
Cute factor: Off the charts.
We finally got around to starting Bry on solid foods tonight, too. "Solid" may be a bit of a stretch for the gruel-like rice cereal (whole grain! so very nutritious! really!) we fed him. His first feeding was officially declared a success.
Being the considerate baby that he is, Bry totally "helped" to get the spoon into his mouth, at which point he vigorously sucked on it, trying to extract every last drop of rice-y goodness.
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