Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Proceeding Undaunted

Second trip to the pediatrician today. If you think you're having a good time, try taking your 10-month-old son to the doctor's office. Sit in a 7 x 7 room for 40 minutes before the doctor comes in. Try not to let your son lick every gross, gross surface in the office. Entertain him with a tongue depressor. Let him crawl from one end of the exam table to the other. Over and over. Have him open and close the door and peek outside adorably. Flirt with the nurses (your son, not you). You don't know good times until you've tried it.

Bryson's oxygen saturation was still low today, making the doctor nervous and me nervouser (it's totally a word). But, after another nebulizer treatment, it skyrocketed back up to normal. The poor little guy was all limp in my arms afterwards. Like it was finally so good just to get some air. Whew. Now we just watch and wait, while using the nebulizer every four hours. Since his numbers looked so good at the end of today's visit, we're off the hook for using it every four hours around the clock. Bry finally slept through last night, after at least a month of waking up 1-6 times during the night. He took a two-hour nap yesterday and an hour and a half nap this morning. I know this is "normal" for kids his age, but compared with his previous sleep habits, this is a godsend.

Other than being a little fussier than usual, Bry is powering it through. He beat his personal best this morning after opening and closing the kitchen cabinet doors about 8000 times. It's hard work, but somebody's got to do it. He's a trouper.

I'm just gonna test the hinges on this door for you.

Hmm, under the table inspection looks OK too.

1 comment:

Sue said...

He still is a little cutie with all that energy. Where does he get it?