Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Gearing up for the Holidays

Due to the complexities involved in making time to celebrate the holidays with both sides of our family, Bryson had his first taste of Christmas at Grandpa and Grandma Sanger's house this past weekend. Thus we kicked off the first of, I believe 5, count 'em, 5 holiday celebrations we'll be partaking of between now and December 29. And that doesn't count Bry's birthday on December 26. I'm thinking New Year's Eve will be spent doing the most exciting thing I can imagine of at this point: sleeping.

I'm not sure Bry's really aware that he has experienced his first Christmas celebration, but he managed to greet the event with his usual enthusiasm. Especially since it involved his first taste of ice cream (more! more!) and he got to skip his morning nap in favor of playing! And more playing! Even though this was his second chance to open gifts, he still didn't quite catch on:

Watching uncertainly as mama demonstrates.

Starting to get the hang of it.

Looking on as mama helps him finish, lest we all be sitting around for the 17 hours it would take him to get all of the paper off of the box.

Nevertheless, he loved all of the gifts he received, especially the slide and the sled that we used to tow him around the living room.

Is this much fun legal?

Given the sheer number of holiday celebrations coming up, it's going to be a real letdown when the weekends stop being all about new toys and relatives (OK, mama) sneaking Bry sweets. Guess we'll just have to compensate in the meantime by being as boring as possible. Better go hide the shapes and the bibs.

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