Wednesday, January 2, 2008

One Year By the Numbers

Bry had his 12-month well-child checkup today. As I was sitting down to write about his current height/weight stats, I started to wonder just how long it's appropriate to keep on publishing the data online. Am I still going to be sharing his height and weight by the time he's 21? Probably.

Anyways, without further ado, at one year, Bry is 30 inches tall (long?) and weighs 22 pounds even. He's in the 60th percentile for height and the 35th for weight. While his height and weight still seem to be stabilizing, his head size has stayed consistent (and big!) in the 70th percentile.

Bry also got three shots, including the MMR vaccine, which our pediatrician told us would be the first among the immunizations that he's received so far that would actually sting going in. The poor kiddo seemed to bounce back quickly after his shots, but while we were waiting for some lab results he upchucked all over a book (that did not belong to us) in the exam room. Apparently he was more shaken by the shots than we initially thought. Ten seconds later he was bounding all over the room again, so no major trauma. I washed off the book while silently vowing to never touch anything in a pediatrician's office again.

1 comment:

Dana said...

You mean Bryson is already half my height?! great.