Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Holding Our Collective Breath

So. I'm almost chicken enough to avoid posting this, lest Bry decide to never do it again. But the excitement is too hard to contain, so here goes:

Bry slept for 12 HOURS STRAIGHT in his crib last night. This is unprecedented, unheard of, etc. Granted, he woke Steve and I up for a few minutes around 4 am when he woke up fussing. But, he wasn't indignant, as he usually is at that hour (I feel you on that one, Bry). And then he managed to go back to sleep on his own, which has happened on some rare occasions in the past, but never when he wakes up after 2 am.

This morning, the alarm that Steve sets every evening (for which I've secretly made fun of him because since when have we needed an alarm?) actually woke us up before Bry did. This was stunning for the first few moments, and then delightful, and then two heartbeats later, frightening. Surely it would take some horrible accident for Bry to still be quiet at 6 am. However, it wasn't frightening enough to rouse either Steve or I from bed, where we stayed for another wonderful, guilty 30 minutes before the dawning realization of how late we were going to be started to strike.

Bry woke up several minutes after we started rustling about the house. I went into the nursery to find him standing at the side of his crib, per usual, but looking a bit bewildered, as if he was thinking, "What are those rays of light coming in through my windows? This can't be right. It's usually much darker when I'm starting my day."

Let's keep up the trend, okay Bry?

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