Saturday, May 17, 2008


A brief anecdote:

Bry has developed a persistent diaper rash, caused, I believe by teething and his daycare not always being so good at changing him promptly. Several nights ago, after removing his diaper, I decided to let him "air out" for awhile before bundling up his bum again. He wandered around for a few minutes with his onesie flaps hanging down until he must have noticed the draft. He pulled up the front flap, looked down, then hightailed it for his room, shouting, "Da ba! Da ba!" (i.e., diaper). Bry reached up into the drawer, pulled out a diaper, and then yanked his pants off of the dresser where I had left them. Clutching the diaper in one hand and his pants in the other, he said, "On! On!" with a chastising look on his face, as if to say, "Come on people. Am I the only responsible one around here?"

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