I think I've
previously mentioned Bry's passion for his pots and pans and putting any manner of objects in them (rocks, dandelions, sand, blocks, wooden fish, bird seed, plastic rings, plastic shapes, dirt, and puzzle pieces to date). Given Bry's additional love of watching/helping Steve and I (mostly Steve) cook, we've started to joke about how Bry is certain to have a career in the culinary arts. However, some of Bry's behaviors have led to some uncertainty about this career path. Like his habit of putting black beans in his yogurt. I can't imagine that going over too well for anyone outside of, well, Bry. On the other hand, perhaps it's some kind of novel delicacy that will put Bry on the map as a culinary master. I'll probably never know because it grosses me out too much to try. There's also his practice of shoving copious quantities of food into his mouth, like bread, only to pick the half-chewed ball of dough out of his mouth when he realizes he won't be able to swallow the whole thing. I'm not sure if this has anything to do with his capacity to cook skillfully down the road. But if it speaks to his sanitary practices in the kitchen, you might want to send the bread pudding back when dining Chez Bry.
Bry's other current passion is transportation. Not necessarily getting from point A to point B, but rather, pointing out every possible mode of transportation that he sees. Trucks (pickup, dump, cement, SUVs), cars, buses (city and school), planes, bikes, motorcycles (which he also calls bikes), trains, wagons, segways, etc. OK, not segways, but only because we haven't come across any.

He is particularly fond of construction vehicles, which presents a particular problem for me, given that I have no idea what any of them are called. I could tell Bry about the "shovel thingy" and "big scooper/dumper," since that's what they look like to me, but I don't imagine that being too helpful to him down the line. Being lazy, I haven't actually looked any of these vehicles up, instead resorting to calling them all "construction trucks," which Bry seems happy with. He does know the word "crane," since I do know what those are, and they are omnipresent, what with all of the road/bridge construction we drive through on a daily basis.
Bry also seems to think that the sole purpose of computers is to look at pictures of vehicles. I might have started that misconception. There is a picture of our street on Steve's desktop, and Bry likes to point out the cars in the picture. One day, I asked Bry if he wanted to see some more cars, so I googled Volkswagen (are there any other kinds of cars?) and clicked on the images. Bry was tickled by the sheer number of cars he saw. He giggled and pointed and called out, "Tar! Tar!" (car). He paused for a second as if allowing his brain to assimilate the sheer awesomeness of all of the cars before pointing again and shouting, "More!" Now whenever I'm on the computer, Bry wants to see cars and trucks and planes and more cars and more trucks and more planes and...why did I ever show him those pictures?
Now, it might seem that being passionate about cooking and transportation might lead to some career conflicts, but I think I've finally come up with the perfect answer: Nascar chef.
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