Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Mad Skillz

We haven't necessarily been keeping a super tight watch on whether Bryson is meeting developmental milestones. We have the general sense that he's on schedule (whatever that means). What we do notice is that he changes A LOT, though the scale is small and the skills we track might not be seen as momentous. For example, in the past week or so, he's learned how to grab his feet (making diaper changes a blast!).

Righty almost got away, but he caught it just in time.

He's even sometimes able to stuff his FEET in his mouth. This is a skill I was not prepared to look out for. Can he sit up unassisted? Not yet. Can he crawl? Too early. But does he have the crazy abdominal muscles to chew on his own toes? Check!

Other fun skills that Bry has mastered: screeching at the top of his lungs (which I'm pretty sure he learned from one of his playgroup mates), pinching everything within arm's length (including skin on very many parts of my body), and did I mention that he can put his feet in his mouth? Other things that go in his mouth: his fingers, toys, cat hair (even though I'm constantly picking it out of his sticky fingers), my shirt, burp cloths, my fingers.... We're so proud.

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