Friday, May 11, 2007

Playdate, Redux

Bry has had two more playdates over the past two days. The first one was with our "mom and baby" group that's been meeting since Bry was about 6 weeks old. (Or was it 8 weeks? I know, I'll check my baby book...hmm...somebody really seems to be slacking on that project.) All of the babes in that group were born within about a month of each other, and it's fun to watch them develop together. Below is a picture of Bryson and Lucas, chillin' old school.

Oh no you di'int.

The second was with Bodhi, who's a month younger than Bry, and Finn, who's 11 months old. It was really eye opening to watch Finn sitting up, babbling away, and rolling around, like a preview of coming attractions.

Is it me, or does my child have an unsually large head?

Just me? OK.

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