Monday, December 17, 2007


Bryson's latest obsession is putting things in other things and then taking them back out again. Sounds exciting, doesn't it? For example: (1) Put shapes into shape sorter (but not necessarily through their respective holes); (2) Dump shapes out; (3) Repeat step 1; and (4) Repeat step 2. And so on.

Example 2: (1) Pull all of the bibs out of the drawer; (2) Put most of the bibs back into the drawer; (3) Pull all of the bibs out of the drawer and toss them exuberantly over your head; (4) Put some of the bibs back in the drawer; (5) Pull all of the bibs out of the drawer and push them around the floor; (6) Crawl over to the book shelf and pull all of the books off. As you can see, this particular sequence doesn't repeat itself quite as nicely as example 1. And if you're particularly astute, you'll notice that it ends with all of the bibs not in the drawer (see Figure 1).

Figure 1: Bibs strewn about haphazardly.

Figure 2: Destruction achieved in approximately .25 seconds.
Possibly a new land speed record.

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