Thursday, December 13, 2007


Knocking wood here, but just shy of his first birthday, Bry has finally figured out how to fall asleep on his own. Well, mostly on his own. I still nurse him before bed, but he goes into his crib awake, flails around for a few minutes and then flops over onto his side and babbles to himself until he falls asleep. Kind of like a puppy. Um, who talks.

He also sleeps through the night for the most part, so long as he's not sick or teething. Which, in recent weeks, has worked out to him sleeping through the night approximately once a week.

The only trick is getting him to learn how to stay asleep past 6 am. Actually, 6 am would be acceptable. Bry seems to be up and ready to start the day around 5 or 5:30 most mornings. He must believe he lives on the east coast. Or perhaps in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, where this wake-up time would be a little more reasonable.

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