Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Like a Barnacle on Our Hearts (But in a Good Way)

So, kids huh? Who knew they could be such adorable little buggers. I mean, yeah, everyone knows that kids are cute and say and do funny things. Pre-Bryson I might have observed the antics of the shorties with amusement and thought "Awww, how cute." But both Steve and I were blindsided by the depth of feeling that was stirred up when we went ahead and had our own. It goes way beyond "how cute" to a feeling not unlike being kicked in the gut by frolicking kittens and puppies. In other words, it's both cute and startling. Actually, it's really difficult to explain the mixture of love and pride and awe that seem to come hand in hand with parenting, but I recently recalled a story my friend Michelle told me that seems to summarize it perfectly.

When Michelle was young, her family went to a breeder in search of a family dog. I don't remember exactly what kind of dog they were considering, but the litter in question was composed of three or four puppies who looked alike and were typical for the breed. There was also another dog who had different coloring and stuck out from the rest. While everyone else in her family clamored towards one of the "typical" puppies, Michelle stayed close by the side of the odd dog out. Her parents and brother tried to convince her that their puppy was the one to choose. Not to be deterred, Michelle exposed her tender self and said, "But this one makes my heart glow." Needless to say, the family went home with the puppy Michelle had chosen.

Bry, you make your mama and dada's hearts glow everyday. Thanks for that, sweet man.

Can't you see the glowing?

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