Saturday, March 29, 2008

Today Was the Pits! The Ball Pits, That Is

As the temperatures outside continue to crest around 35-40 degrees, we opted for another indoor playground this weekend. Grandma S suggested the Eagle's Nest in New Brighton, and it was a definite hit. Especially the ball pit. Upon first glance, Bry must have thought he had reached nirvana. His eyes widened to the size of saucers and his arms flew up over his head as he cried out, "BALL!" Seven thousand colorful balls, all localized within a 10' x 6' pit. It doesn't get much better than that. Bry was tentative at first, standing knee deep in balls and rooted to one spot.

This can't be right.

But ten minutes later, the ecstasy of the initial ball sighting returned. By the time we were ready to leave, we had to pry Bry out as he repeatedly and definitively identified the contents of the pit: BALL. BALL. BALL. BALL!

The other attraction that captured Bry's attention was this small bridge. Bry went up and down and up and down the stairs, and for the most part, landed on his feet. Except that one time he broke his fall with his face. Toddlers! They're like the stock market. One minute they're up, and the next, they're dow-dowwwn, as Bry would say.

A first for Bry: Watching where he's going.

Holding his own with the big kids.

After what felt like about 30 hours of continuous playing and also baking in the greenhouse of a community center, it was time to leave. Mama and daddy were exhausted. Bry was tired too, given that he never stopped moving for more than a nanosecond the entire time we were there.

Contemplating his next mission, while daddy takes a breather.

Thanks for the good idea, Grandma!

1 comment:

Missy said...

So adorable!!!!!!!!!!