Monday, September 17, 2007

Defeating the Purpose

As I've previously alluded, babyproofing has been a progressive process at our house. We've put up some gates, covered the outlets, and locked up the most dangerous chemicals. We also got some of these to prevent Bry from entangling himself in the cords for our window shades. Ironically, they only seem to make the cords that much more enticing:

This is totally unsafe! And therefore totally fun!

No one babyproofs the Bry.

Part of the babyproofing process is of course determining all of the dangerous items that Bry is attracted to. One morning, when nature called, I brought Bry into the bathroom with me (yet another glamorous side to mothering that no one informed me of). Two seconds after the rubber hit the road, as it were (OK, after I started peeing), Bry made a beeline for the doorstop that is supposed to be anchored into the tile floor of our 1955 bathroom. In one swift move he yanked it out of the floor and proceeded to stick the very pointy end of the anchoring screw into his mouth. I guess those Kegel exercises they tell you to do after giving birth come in handy in multiple scenarios. Like needing to stop midstream, lunge across the bathroom, and prevent your child from ingesting a rusty screw.

1 comment:

Sue said...

Well this is the action we also saw while babysitting the last time. He does love those window blind cords. I also loved your description of the bathroom antics of the Bry!! Mom's actions were quite exemplary also.
