Steve, Bry, and I hit the Bryn Mawr Festival of Garage Sales this weekend (which was really more like a Sad Little Party of Garage Sales, if you ask me), in search of a Burley bike trailer and maybe a baby backpack to tote Bry around this summer. Unfortunately, we showed up on the scene at around noon, approximately 6 hours after the serious garage salers were out scooping up all of the good stuff. Did you know that people do this for a living? Find stuff at garage sales and then sell it to other people on e-bay? According to the infomercial we were watching on Basic Basic Cable, we could make up to $10,000 a month selling stuff on e-bay. And since TV told us so, it must be true.
Steve did discover a cool fruit and vegetable chopping toy. The pieces are velcroed together and making a cool "chopping" sound when you cut through them with the wooden knife.

And there was a little $6 shelf for Bry's books.
Seriously, he does own books.Steve was bummed because he missed out on a $50 fish tank deal. He's convinced that Bry needs lots of little creature friends. I'm not so sure that Bry's ready. He's still working on figuring out the proper uses of kitchen utensils.
Wooden spoon or canoe paddle? You decide.
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