Bry has had two more playdates over the past two days. The first one was with our "mom and baby" group that's been meeting since Bry was about 6 weeks old. (Or was it 8 weeks? I know, I'll check my baby book...hmm...somebody really seems to be slacking on that project.) All of the babes in that group were born within about a month of each other, and it's fun to watch them develop together. Below is a picture of Bryson and Lucas, chillin' old school.
Oh no you di'int.
The second was with Bodhi, who's a month younger than Bry, and Finn, who's 11 months old. It was really eye opening to watch Finn sitting up, babbling away, and rolling around, like a preview of coming attractions.

Is it me, or does my child have an unsually large head?
Just me? OK.
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