I started to write this post just past midnight on Mother's Day. I was still up because Bryson got his party on around 10:45 pm. I went into the nursery where I found him fussing with his eyes closed and trying very hard to suck on his left foot. He could NOT let go of his feet. Lately his sleeping has gone all wonky, and I'm not sure why. According to
The Wonder Weeks, babies undergo a big developmental spurt at 19 weeks during which they begin to comprehend "events" as being fluid, rather than a series of chopped up occurrences. During these spurts, babies apparently sleep poorly, become fussy, etc. Bry certainly is fitting those criteria at the moment. I'm hoping he makes the "leap" soon!
My first Mother's Day was fun, if not a little stressful. We cooked brunch for Steve's family and my parents and Uncle Tim. I received some beautiful flowers, a picnic blanket, and a gorgeous beaded bracelet that my mom made with Bryson's name on it. Despite receiving gifts on this Hallmark sanctioned holiday (not sure if it's a real holiday too), this whole mother thing can still seem a little surreal at times. But I'm growing into it.
The best part of the day was when Bryson and I laid down in bed for a 3 hour nap. Best present ever. After he woke up, we introduced him to the lawn. He was a fan.

1 comment:
We enjoyed the Mother's Day weekend and seeing Bryson's reaction to the grass. His giggling is truly music to our ears. G&G E
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