Thursday, August 9, 2007


Bry took his first real tumble today - on my watch. All along, I was expecting Steve to be the one on duty when Bry inevitably got his first bump or bruise. Chalk it up to maternal hubris, I guess.

Bry's favorite game recently has been "Mommy and Daddy jungle gym." In other words, he likes to crawl all over us. Today, I was lying on the floor, and Bry was trying to pull up to stand using my legs as leverage. He put a little too much oomph into it and did a front flip over my knees, landing squarely on his head and then tumbling bum over teakettle (this is a G-rated site, right?).

Bry, not quite understanding the purpose of the ice pack.

I'm pretty sure Steve is never going to let me forget this.

1 comment:

Missy said...

I can't believe he's gone this long without any injuries--I managed to drop Sam long before he was able to really get around on his own. (Well, I didn't really drop him, he lunged forward out of his bouncy seat before I could get him buckled in and landed on his head) Anyway, you're right--Steve will never let you live it down!