Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Stranger Danger


Behold the call of the baby who has suddenly gained the cognitive skills to realize and care that mama is no longer within his sights. Or being pinched between his pudgy fingers. Majestic, is it not? Watch and listen carefully, and you may just hear his pleading cry the instant mama vanishes around the corner to prepare a gourmet meal of squash and oatmeal that he will later spit all over her with an exuberant thhhhppphtttssssss of his tongue.

I do believe we've entered the land of separation anxiety. Over the past few days, Bry has wanted to be strongly affixed to my hip and will desperately try to scramble up over my shoulder, using my shirt as leverage, if I so much as hint at putting him down. He's kind of like a 20-pound modern art accessory: baby as scarf, draped across my shoulder. If babies are the new black, I'm totally in.

Oh yeah, Bry's pretty excited to see Steve right now too. Non-family members get the evil eye, though.

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