Friday, August 3, 2007

Operation: Pet Kitty

It's only taken 7 months, but Bry has finally acknowledged the existence of our fourth family member: Casey, the cat. The first few months Bry played it cool, pretending he didn't notice the furry beast lounging in front of the space heater, lounging on the couch, lounging underneath the kitchen table...well, you get the idea. Turns out he was collecting surveillance in support of his current mission: chase down the cat and gleefully grab fistfuls of cat hair.

Bry is extraordinarily enamored with Casey. Every time he hears a plaintive meow, or a demanding MEOW!, Bry pauses whatever he's doing (which is usually putting something in his mouth or reaching for something to put in his mouth), looks up, and uses his baby radar to pinpoint the direction of the sound. Having gathered preliminary evidence that the KITTY! is possibly within lunging (and now "crawling") distance, Bry sets off to pet the kitty.


The kitty, however, does not share mutual loving feelings with Bry. Mostly he tolerates him. Usually he eyes him up warily, plotting his escape. As soon as Bry gets within reaching distance, Casey trots off and Bry looks up all surprised. Where did he go? He was right there. And now he's not. Oh, what a crafty kitty. I'll catch you someday, kitty. Someday.

I'm outta here.

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